
Domestic Shipping

Products can be shipped to all 50 states within the United States. 

  • Estimated time of order fulfillment is 1-3 business days.
  • Estimated time of delivery from when the order is placed is 3-6 business days (shipping and fulfillment times may be extended during busier times such as holidays, sales and unforeseen events such as natural disasters).
  • Tracking information will be sent to the email address that was input during checkout once your order is shipped.
  • If your “ship to address” cannot receive a certain postal carrier, please reach out to our support team at [email protected] for assistance. 

We offer FREE SHIPPING on Continental US orders over $99.

*Order subtotal must be $99 or greater before calculating discounts minus any state and local taxes to be eligible. Excludes Alaska and Hawaii.

Shipping Confirmation Emails

We will send you a shipping confirmation email to the email address provided during checkout at the time the order is shipped.  

If you do not receive an order confirmation or shipping confirmation email please reach out to [email protected]

Order Tracking

Your tracking number that is sent via email may not update until the postal carrier initially scans it in. Please give the tracking number 24 hours to initially update.

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